It Must've Been The Mushrooms

by Rekrul

Jessi finishes her salad, containing the mushrooms her friend Sunny had brought over, and goes to soothe the crying of her baby. As she stands up and was walks to the nursery she stumbles a little and feels a little woozy. Thinking nothing of it except that maybe she should've had more for lunch then a pitifully small salad, she picks up her baby.

The room begins to spin a little and she notices something strange. Her baby has grown. He continues to grows as she stands there struggling a little to hold onto him as he gets bigger and bigger and heavier and heavier. Funny thing is he's not ageing just growing bigger, like the baby of a giant in a fairy tale.

When he has grown so big that she can no longer hold him she lets him down and he stands like he's been doing it all his life. She is now so disoriented that she has to sit down and does. He is still growing and is now the size of a full grown man. Too stunned to move Jessi just sits there looking up at her baby son, when she notices that a further change has begun. The baby is transforming slowly. His baby fat disappears and is replaced by a lean masculine body. Hair appears where once no hair was. A certain part gets bigger. He is now a full, true man, no longer a baby.

Woozy, Jessi can think only one thing:

" Those mushrooms didn't come from any store." before she faints, collapsing onto the floor.


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