Quite Right

By ARthur

Elderly Symona was extremely used to having everything her way. And her vast wealth assured that everyone around her would fall over each other to make things "quite right," as Symona described it. So she was more than a little surprised by what she saw in the mirror as she prepared to check out of the exclusive Bavarian health spa.

"I look like a 3-year-old girl," Symona gasped. Carefully surveying her surroundings, she suddenly noticed that everything now appeared larger. She had not been moved into a bigger suite, as she surmised but an hour ago. Symona concluded that she had indeed been made younger -- more than 90 years younger. The spa advertised age-reversing treatments, but Symona would have preferred losing only about 75 of her years. This far exceeded expectations, and thus was not "quite right," she scowled.

The spa had engaged in a deception, Symona thought. She should have suspected something when after yesterday's daylong treatment she was assigned a "personal dresser." She was used to businesses she patronized providing free extras, to make things more than "quite right." But in this case, she had played into the plot, and it angered her.

As the bellhops removed her luggage (packed by that helpful dresser) from her room, Symona stormed down to the lobby to complain and demand corrections and compensation. She had been a loyal customer of the spa for many years, and expected better treatment. But at the checkout desk, she spotted her 26-year-old granddaughter Marcie. There was something not "quite right" about that, Symona thought.

Marcie had been Symona's traveling companion until a year ago, when she was summarily fired on no notice, and was disinherited. The girl had recently taken to not following all of Symona's orders to the letter. Marcie had begun to dress smartly, in colorful and at times revealing clothing. She had taken to wearing pushup bras, and makeup. And she was flirting with eligible men she met at the enclaves of the wealthy Symona frequented. And when she met that Roland fellow, Marcie disappeared for long stretches, going to dinner, dancing, walks on the beach; neglecting her main duty to make everything "quite right" for Symona. So what was the disobedient girl doing at the spa?

Now packed with youthful energy, Symona scaled the desk for a better look at what Marcie was doing. To her surprise, she saw Marcie hand the spa manager a check for $100,000, postdated for two weeks. Where could Marcie ever get that kind of money? Something not "quite right" about this!

"Thank you for giving Grandmamma the extra special treatment," Marcie told the manager. As if I don't deserve extra special treatment everywhere, Symona harrumphed. But what was Marcie now signing? Adoption papers! With a clause giving Symona's adoptive parent control of her assets in accordance with Germany's Child Welfare laws.

And then it sank into Symona's brain what was happening. This was about as non-quite right as you could get. Symona attempted to scamper off, only to have her tiny arm seized by Marcie, who hoisted Symona upwards and grinning said, "You're coming home with me, grandmamma -- or should I say daughter. Yes, a chafed at your past treatment of me, trying to make me old before my time, and nothing more than an indentured servant with no life of her own. And then taking me out of the will despite all I've donefor you. But that's past. And now we'll resume our travels. Only now, instead of sticking to the old, we'll both seek and experience the new. And we're going to have so much fun for the next 20 or so years, provided that you're very good at obeying all my orders -- for a change."

Holding the squirming Symona close to her body, Marcie was headed for the taxi stand when the manager approached her one last time. "Was everything satisfactory for Madame?" he asked. "Quite right! Very quite right," Marcie grinned.

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