Carl's amateur three-man basketball team was challenged to a game by a trio of 13-year-old hot shots, who claimed, "We're so good, we can beat any adult team. If we weren't so young, we'd be playing in the NBA by now." Carl ignored them until one of the 13-year-olds said, "Wanna place a wager on the game?"
"How much?" Carl sneered. "No money. Just some of your aging. If we win, each member of your team gives one of our members seven years of your aging. If you win, you turn us into little boys," the teen said. Carl sarcastically answered, "I'll put up all the aging for my team, and throw in my masculinity too."
The teens accepted, then proceeded to trounce Carl's team in the game. Carl was certain that the teens couldn't collect the bet, but he was wrong. The three teens used Carl's aging to each become 20-years-old, enabling them to quickly find jobs in the NBA. Carl became a 2-year-old, and because he also gambled away his masculinity, is now known as Carol.
Carol now lives with her parents, who are thrilled to finally
have a baby daughter. And she continues to practice her basketball
skills daily just in case the boys ever grant her a rematch.
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