In the photo above, the President of Phoenix Corp. with his hired caregiver still runs his bio-lab company. Due to the effects of the ar virus that is affecting many adults he has lost the ability to speak, but can answer some questions by shaking his head yes or no. By shaking his head yes he still says that the rumors about his company manufacturing the ar virus are untrue. Mr. Alexakis was one of the first people to get the disease.
If you are unfamiliar with how Mr. Alexakis was infected, his company has released a statement saying that a close friend of his had the virus and he picked it up from that person, although no person has come forward to back up his claim. The first 2 out of 10 people who contracted the disease work within the Phoenix Corp. The Federal government has offered "no comment" due to the terms of their defense contracts with the company.
With the help of family members many young adults now
regressed to toddlers and infants have filed lawsuits against
the company. The interview was ended when Mr. Alexakis caregiver
interrupted our line of questions and told that an important call
had come in for Mr. Alexakis. The photo above was taken just as
we were leaving the office showing Mr. Alexakis finishing off
his drink of juice while the care giver was patching the call