Very Smart - Not!

by PixChick

Tom hated all tests, but especially those that purported to measure intelligence. IQ tests, he thought, were all mumbo-jumbo and no determiner of how smart a person really was. So when the employment agency to which he was referred told him to take an IQ test, Tom decided to purposely fail it.

During the testing, Tom selected all the least likely answers. "That will show them," Tom thought in a self-satisfied frame of mind. He watched as they graded his test, and how the proctors struck aghast looks on their faces. They then sent Tom to a doctor's office down the hall for "one last procedure." At the office, Tom was shown to a room to await the doctor and told to disrobe.

Checking the results of Tom's test, the doctor agreed that he had never seen such low marks. "We have no alternative," the doctor said as he pulled a wall switch. Bright flashing lights could be seen from the cracks in the door to the room where Tom waited.

Entering the room, the doctor looked down on an 18-month-old boy. "Hi, Tommy! Your IQ test score indicated that you have major problems. As this test was designed by a manufacturer of automotive diagnostic tools that diversified into other businesses, it was determined that your problems were so severe as to justify a recall. So were sent you back to the beginning of your life to start over and hopefully help you avoid developing these problems the second time around."

"I was right all along about IQ tests," Tom giggled as he went to play some more with the room's liquid soap dispenser.

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