"Get on your treadmill,, Jeremy," Elaine said with an uncharacteristic amount of concern. "You know how you hate to miss your workout. I was down at the exercise equipment store today and I bought you a new workout module for the treadmill. They told me this program would really make you feel years younger."
"I'll stay here and talk to you while you work out, honey. I can see that the workout is doing you wonders already. Did I mention that I ran into Gloria when I was at the mall? Oh, don't worry, keep running, honey."
"Anyway, Gloria told me that you were planning on leaving me for her. Keep running, dear, you're looking better already. I know you really aren't leaving me honey, are you? She was just kidding me, I'm sure."
"Keep going darling the workout is almost over. You weren't
planning on going anywhere, were you? Oh, while I was shopping
I picked up a few more things. Looks like you're done, honey.
And I think my little darling needs a diaper change. Let's go
into the new nursery and mommy will take care of you. Maybe Gloria
will come over and watch you while I go shopping for a few more
baby supplies."
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