Suppose the AR Community also had its own publication to give us all the vital information needed to intelligently choose among the various products available, including those sold only in our stories? Wouldn't we end up reading (with appropriate pix) something like the September 2000 issue of:

ConsumARs Reports Magazine

As Compiled by ARthur

Anti-Stress Aids for the Workplace

Research staffers from our Apothecary Division conduct tests to determine whether Elwood's Elixir or Watkin's Tonic does the better job in both adequately punishing and sweetening the dispositions of vicious sexist slave-driving employers.

The Lowdown on Makeup

After one month of applications on test models, our researchers reveal which makeup claiming to have skin-youthening moisturizers actually work. Shown above is supermodel Kate Moss, who reported exceptional results while using the Babillene line of cosmetics as part of our extensive study.

Dishwashers: The Inside Story

Recent discoveries by scientists that the human body isn't pre-shrunk are put to the test. Our researchers thus discover a new use for the steam-producing household dishwasher in creating cute little brothers and sisters from lazy drones, extraneous pests and foodaholics in your household.

This Month's ConsumARs Alert

Associate Editor Oswald Hernandez (in above photo) explains why he gave a "Not Recommended" rating to a popular brand of baby lotion. It seems he found a not-previously-disclosed side effect that occurs only when the product is used by others outside the target market.

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