Maureen couldn't believe the break she had gotten. This was the story that was going to get her TV reporting career into high gear. Maybe even a promotion to network.
At first she thought her informant was crazy. It sounded like science fiction. It violated everything she knew of the laws of physics, although as a journalism major, Maureen didn't pay a whole lot of attention to science. But even she knew that age manipulation was impossible.
Then her informant got her a job inside and she saw it for herself. Full-grown adults turned into little children before her eyes...and their clothing adjusted, too. With her hidden camera, she had the evidence. She had pictures and recordings and, within a few hours she would have her story ready for broadcast.
She only had to get out of the facility. She slipped out the back side of the building and looked for the back gate.
But first she felt like a game of hopscotch. Luckily, she found some chalk so she could draw a layout. It sure seemed hard to get the squares straight.
It seemed to Maureen like there was something she needed to do, but she couldn't remember what it was. So she took a drive around the yard in her convertible. Then she sat down to think about what she needed to do. It was something to do with the TV.
"Oh, I 'member," Maureen thought. "I wanted to see if Barney was on TV."
And she toddled back into the building to look for the
somebody to change her wet diaper.