In every way my morning had been extremely ordinary. It was the usual. Get up at six. Shower. Masturbate. Dress in conservative colored blouse and skirt. Quickly drink three cups of Columbian Espresso and pour a forth into a steel travel mug for the half hour trip to the office. Arrive at the office at six-forty-five on the dot. Ask Maureen, my secretary, for any snail mail or inter-office memos that had come in overnight, then proceed to my office. Not a corner office yet, but right next to a corner office. Arriving at my office, turn on IBM clone and check my email. Respond to email and write several of my own and send. Then make several phone calls I didn't have time to make yesterday. Call Fred and arrange to meet for lunch at Roberge. Call Tim and tell him to F*** off in relation to the deal he's trying his best to undermine. Buzz Maureen. Ask her to get me Jeffers, so I can tell him that if he screws up like he did last week he's going to be pounding the pavement. Spin around in office chair and briefly look out window. Remember I haven't finished Macuueen report. Work on that for an hour. Buzz Maureen. Tell her to bring me an espresso, hot, this time. Send inter-office email, reminding people of ten o'clock meeting in conference room. Maureen arrives with espresso, so does Fred. He has some unimportant B.S to bore me with as usual. I manage to get rid of Fred after a couple of minutes, tell him I have work to do. Jackie arrives, wants to gossip, I kick her out with a snarl and a smile. Phone rings. It's the Boss. Wants to confer with me on Macuueen rigmarole. We do. He praises my aptitude and intelligence. I kiss his ass and he hangs up. I finish my espresso. Wired. I get up and take walk around office. Try my best to scare the shit out of my underlings. Some would call it motivation. Look at clock, see that it's five of ten. Head back to office, pick up papers related to topic of the ten o'clock meeting. Walk to conference room. Sit down. Wait for other to show up. Most of them late as usual. They finally show up. Meeting starts. Buzz Maureen, tell her to bring in espresso and Danish. Find my self feeling funny. My stomach rumbles and my head twirls like a pin-wheel. Suddenly, I lose all sense of balance and slump in my soft plush chair. My body shrinks as I stare at myself and the bozos surrounding me gasp, doing nothing to help. I appear to be growing younger every second. My body is smaller. My clothes don't fit any longer. Now I am nearly naked and still the clowns do nothing to help me. G**dammit I'm the Boss! You would think they would give me something to cover myself with or call 911 or something? Still I grow smaller, I look like a child!
Then it stops. I sit there naked. Feeling the softness of
the plush chair beneath my bottom. It feels nice. I no longer
care that I am wearing no clothing. I only want to go home and
play. I get up and walk out the door as a bunch of strange grown-ups
stare after me, their mouths open wide.
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