
by Bambino Rojo


As a wife she'd always been a whiney bitch, crying and accusing John of infidelity every time he went out with the guys for a drink. If he were a minute late coming home from work, she was on him, throwing a babyish temper tantrum like a child would do, without any sense of reason. John was an understanding man, but he had his limits and finally, he couldn't take it anymore.

Clearly, she'd never gotten the love and attention she'd needed as a child, John realized. So he decided he'd help her, although at the moment she certainly didn't seem appreciate his efforts. She would, he knew, in time.

"There, there now...." He told her comfortingly, "Rita doesn't have anything to worry about now. Big John is going to take care of his little lady now."

In time, he knew, she would forget her old life and he'd remake her as a better person. But for now at least, nothing had really changed. She was still a whiney baby.

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