Tricky Treat

by ARthur

Bored and idle on Halloween, Dacey decided to go trick-or-treating. Although 21-years-old, she figured that being somewhat petite she could pass as a tall child. So disguised in a makeshift gypsy costume, she began making the rounds of homes in her neighborhood.

The first stop was at the home of old Mrs. Scarmond, a mysterious recluse long the subject of eerie rumors. Dacey did not fool her. "Hey, you're a grownup. Halloween is for children," Mrs. Scarmond said. "So what? Just give me my candy," Dacey shot back. "Since you are so much older and bigger than the average trick-or-treater, I have to give you a larger treat," the old woman said, handing Dacey a huge chocolate bar. Dacey munched on it as she continued to make her Halloween rounds.

After visiting about a hundred homes, Dacey returned home, took off her costume, sat on the floor in her undies, and dumped her Halloween treats before her. "What a haul!" Dacey said as she ran her hand amidst the candy bars and lollipops. She then noticed something missing ­ her breasts. She was flat! Jumping up, she ran to a mirror and saw she now had the body of a 9-year-old girl. As her regular clothing was now too big for her, Dacey re-donned the gypsy costume and ran back to Mrs. Scarmond's home, the last place anyone noticed that she looked adult.

"You tricked me! You turned me into a little girl," Dacey screamed. "The option you gave me was trick or treat. I chose a trick," Mrs. Scarmond replied, adding, "I told you Halloween was for children. I just brought you into compliance." Dacey's face turned red. "But I don't wanna be a girl again," she whined. "You'll get used to it. And I'll see you again next year," the old woman said as she shut her door.

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