
By ARthur

Knowing how sad her good friend Jessica was on realizing she would never have a child, Sarah decided to go all out to celebrate the announcement that Jessica would soon adopt a little girl. Jessica had been turned down by five agencies, which frowned on assigning kids to single women. But the last time was apparently the charm.

Told only that the girl was slightly older than age 2 and wore size 2T clothing, Sarah bought Jessica several outfits for her new child. She then went to Jessica's apartment to be there when the agency brought over the little girl.

Sarah knocked on Jessica's door, then found a note saying the door was open and Sarah should come in. Sitting on the sofa, Sarah saw a tray with cheese, a big bottle of wine, and two glasses. "Help yourself. I'll join you in a minute," Jessica yelled from the next room. So Sarah nibbled on the cheese, and had a glass of wine, then a second glass.

Becoming sleepy, Sarah closed her eyes. She later awoke on a small bed to the elated sounds of an exited Jessica. "Sarah, come quick! My little girl is here," Jessica exclaimed. Sarah ran into the next room. "Where is the girl?" Sarah squealed. "Here!" said Jessica, as she spun Sarah around to face a mirror. In the reflection, Sarah saw a cute 2-year-old girl not unlike herself, wearing one of the outfits she had brought as a gift.

Tugging at the shirt, Sarah was aghast. "I thought you said you were adopting a girl," she nervously said. "No, sweetie. I said 'adapting.' Now aren't you glad that I am finally a mother with my own little girl to raise?" Jessica winked back.

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