Cassandra asked Diana Prince if in the past she ever used a different method for turning into Wonder Woman. "Not too many years ago, I accomplished the switch by spinning clockwise, then turned back into my civilian self by spinning counterclockwise," Diana told the 12-year-old girl. "But what if you as Diana Prince spun counterclockwise first?" Cassandra queried. "I never thought about that! Let's find out what happens," Diana replied.
Diana began spinning counterclockwise, and as she reached crucial speed, she faded from view and in her place appeared a 2-year-old girl wearing a somewhat abbreviated version of the Wonder Woman costume. "Who you?" the reduced Wonder Woman said, looking up at Cassandra. "You don't know me? Then you better turn back into Diana by spinning clockwise," Cassandra answered. "How that?" the toddler asked. "Like this," Cassandra said, twirling her finger in the proper direction. The toddler copied it, but never achieved the proper velocity to affect the change.
Picking up the toddler Wonder Woman, Cassandra said, "Looks
like my Mom is going to have to adopt you as my little sister."
She then chuckled, "I always wanted to grow up to be like
Wonder Woman. Now it appears that Wonder Woman is going to be
raised to grow up to be like me."
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