The Bad Tooth

by Mandy

I had gone to my dentist, a quiky little man by the name of Dr. Anderson, to have a bothersome tooth pulled. Despite the fact I hadn't paid for my last four visits to him, he led me to the exam room, and I sat in the chair. He poked and prodded around my mouth and declared that all of my wisdom teeth had to go. 'Great,' I thought. 'and I told my boss I'd only be here a while. So much for my day'. Dr. Anderson put the nitrous oxide mask over my face and I soon fell fast asleep.

When I awoke, I noticed something was wrong. First, the exam room seemed ALOT bigger than when I went under. Second, I seemed to be wearing girls' clothes(a white dress and black Mary Jane shoes). And my hair was really long. I looked up, and Dr. Anderson was looking at me with a little smile.

"What is going on, Doc?" I asked, surprised to hear a 7 year old girl ask MY question!

"Well, Adam, do you remember me telling you all of your wisdom teeth were bad?"

"Yes, but uhhhhh, what happened?"

"As I pulled your teeth, you began to de-age. It's a new formula I use for certain patients, like you, who are irresponsible, and never pay their bill on time. In concert with the gas, and by pulling the wisdom teeth, the patient regresses. In your case, there was a strange side effect. You were also trasngendered. You are now a seven year old girl. Sorry. The girls thing was unplanned, but you are cute! I usually send my 'young' patients to the Oak Grove Childrens Home for adoption, but in your case, I think I'll raise you myself, Amanda."

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