
By ARthur

Monologue by Kayleen Gorton (age 32), recorded March 11, 2001:

"As a young scientist, I had an idea for a Rejuvenation Process, but I needed financing to bring it to reality. Unfortunately, I accepted that support from Zebediah Mudd, a totally unscrupulous investment banker. I was pleased that he set up an appropriate laboratory for my work. But when I failed to produce the process as fast as he wanted, he resorted to harassing and bullying me to work quicker. Eventually, we had a huge argument, and I stalked out.

"When I returned to the laboratory, I found Zebediah had changed to locks. So I crawled into an unsecured window to retrieve my belongings. Bad move! Zebediah had me arrested, then accused me of looting the enterprise through fancy bookkeeping, something he most likely did himself but blamed me to cover his tracks. I received a 5-year prison sentence.

"While I was in prison, Zebediah brought in others to continue my research, but when they too failed, he sold off the laboratory and its equipment. But the minimum-security prison gave me the opportunity to continue my work with much more primitive equipment. But I succeeded in devising the Rejuvenation Process before my release.

Hearing of my discovery, Zebediah sued me for all rights to the process. But while the suit was pending, he also demanded one free treatment, to assure that he'd survive until the courts ruled. The judge agreed, and ordered me to do so. At the hospital, 73-year-old Zebediah said he wanted to be 21 again. So I administered the process. And here is how Zebediah looked when I removed him from the treatment spa!

"You see, when Zebediah said he wanted to be 21 again, he never specified 21 what. I could have meant years, months or days. I assumed he meant hours. Zebediah took five years from my life, but I took many more from him. And it will be long time before he can again bully young lady scientists ­ or anyone else.

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