Samantha knew as soon as she swallowed the final drop of the ice tea, that she had made a mistake. The tea had been bitter, in a way that wasn't usual. It had been as bitter as boiled tree root or mashed up sneaker sole. Blacccchhh!!!! She coughed violently, trying to keep from vomiting. Something told her though that vomiting up the tea would be the best thing she could do. It was to late. She had swallowed the liquid and now the changes began.
She soon felt her body lose mass. Her bones shrank, her limbs shortened and everywhere she youthened. Her hair became shorter and more fine. Her skin softened, and was everywhere as smooth as a baby's bottom. Her head became disproportionately larger than her body. Within several minutes Samantha had become a baby of about sixteen months.
As the transformation was completed Samantha, now sitting in her birthday suit, surrounded by a pile of her formally well fitting clothes, bawled her eyes out. She could think of no better response. Besides, her brain reminded her, no one could blame her if she cried like a baby. It also scolded her for accepting an invitation to a barbeque from a student that hated her.
Several hours later, after her former student had done everything she could to embarrass her as much as possible, diapered her, dressed her in an very gauche pink corduroy pair of overalls, and tried to unsuccessfully feed her from a baby bottle, Samantha had had more than enough. With the adult part of her brain, she concocted the idea of slipping away when the babysitter from hell, her former student, wasn't looking and try to find a way of regaining her adult hood.
So, when the teen was engrossed in bragging to a teeny-bopper friend about her triumphant toppling of a hated teacher while on her cell phone, the newly born toddler made her move. She quietly crawled towards the wooden slat fence that surrounded the backyard and started to crawl through. Then she heard a sound that made her heart freeze with fear.
"Ohhh, Samantha! Where are you you naughty wittle babykins?
Ohhh, there you are."
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