I'll Show You

by PixChick

Butch never missed a chance to criticize or show up his wife Ellen, be it her cooking, housekeeping skills or how she spent money. "Here, I'll show you how," he'd say. Most recently, he vilified her for beginning to look old, and how he might "trade her in on a new model � like that one." So when a gypsy lady on the street offered Ellen a "guaranteed-to-work" woman's youth potion, she gladly paid $100 to acquire it.

"You paid $100 for a what?" Butch yelled when Ellen showed him the tiny bottle. "A tablespoon of that will make me young and beautiful again," Ellen countered. But Butch wouldn't hear that. "You wasted our money. There's no such thing as a youth potion," Butch said. "I'll show you," he added, quickly downing the entire contents of the bottle.

As usual, Butch overstated his case. But Ellen is still happy. She now has the baby daughter she always wanted (it was a "woman's" youth potion). In fact, the renamed Beulah will be perfect, once Ellen has that tattoo removed from her shoulder.

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